Press Release

South Asian Impact Foundation and North American Association of Indian Students Join Forces on National Voter Registration Day to Promote Civic Engagement Among South Asian Youth Through NaVOTEri Initiative

Washington, DC— On National Voter Registration Day, South Asian Impact Foundation (Impact) and the North American Association of Indian Students (NAAIS) are proud to announce their partnership aimed at promoting civic engagement among South Asian American youth, with the launch of their new NaVOTEri initiative, set to reach 15,000 youth across the country. 

The NaVOTEri initiative, rolling out during the festive Navratri season, will sponsor garba events—the lively dance celebrations central to the Indian holiday Navratri—and other large-scale community events on college campuses. These sponsorships will include opportunities for attendees to commit to voting, register to vote on the spot, and learn more about the importance of participating in elections.

“Young South Asian Americans are a growing force in our electorate,” said Chintan Patel, Executive Director of the South Asian Impact Foundation. “With NaVOTEri, we’re making sure they understand the power of their vote and how it can shape the future of their communities. By sponsoring these cultural celebrations, we’re making it easy and fun for South Asian youth to pledge to vote and get involved in shaping their future. We’re thrilled to partner with NAAIS on this initiative, ensuring that this important conversation is woven into spaces where young people already feel a sense of connection and belonging.”

Sudhanshu Kaushik, Executive Director of NAAIS, said, “We’re thrilled to partner with Impact to mobilize the Indian American youth vote, recognizing that engaging with South Asian student clubs is critical to that effort. We believe that every cultural event presents a powerful opportunity for students to make an immediate impact on their communities, starting with voting. Since the launch of the NaVOTEri initiative, we’ve witnessed incredible enthusiasm from college clubs eager to integrate civic responsibility into their member experiences. By seizing these opportunities, we are ensuring that civic engagement becomes a natural and integral part of the cultural celebrations for South Asian youth.”

In addition to NaVOTEri, Impact launched a voter resources hub at where users can check their voter registration status, make a voting plan, and access a digital toolkit filled with flyers, graphics, memes, and videos promoting voter engagement.

NAAIS and Impact call on South Asian youth and the broader community to ensure they are registered and ready to vote. Every vote can make a difference, and the first step is registering.

About South Asian Impact Foundation:

A national nonprofit organization, the South Asian Impact Foundation fosters a culture of civic engagement among South Asian Americans, uniting the diaspora as a force of change to create a more inclusive Democracy and to champion policies that will uplift all historically marginalized communities in the United States. 

About North American Association of Indian Students:The North American Association of Indian Students works towards the social and civic representation of students and young professionals of Indian nationality, origin, and background in the United States. NAAIS connects, educates, and mobilizes students and young professionals of Indian-origin to create an inclusive, informed, and mobilizes student demographic.

For Immediate Release:
September 17, 2024

Contact: Sarah Shah